<!-- Testimonial -->
<div class="testimonial theme_white">
<div class="fs-row">
<div class="fs-cell">
<div class="testimonial_inner">
<figure class="testimonial_figure testimonial_figure_has_figcaption">
<div class="testimonial_quote_body">
<blockquote class="testimonial_quote">
<p>“Education is without beginning or end. There is not a single location that is not a place of learning, and there is not a single moment that is not a time for learning.”</p>
<div class="testimonial_quote_details">
<span class="testimonial_media testimonial_media_sm">
<img class="testimonial_image" srcset="https://images.fastspot.com/framework/300x300/1 300w, https://images.fastspot.com/framework/100x100/1 100w" src="https://images.fastspot.com/framework/100x100/1" alt="" loading="lazy" width="100" height="100">
<span class="testimonial_info">
<span class="testimonial_quote_name">Venerable Master Hsüan Hua</span>
<span class="testimonial_quote_title">Founder of DRBU</span>
<figcaption class="testimonial_figcaption">
<span class="js-rock testimonial_media testimonial_media_lg">
<img class="testimonial_image" srcset="https://images.fastspot.com/framework/740x740/1 740w, https://images.fastspot.com/framework/500x500/1 500w" src="https://images.fastspot.com/framework/500x500/1" alt="" loading="lazy" width="500" height="500">
<!-- END: Testimonial -->
{% include '@component-testimonial' with {
quote: '"Quote"',
name: 'Name',
job_title: 'Job Title',
image: '1'
} %}
<!-- Testimonial -->
<div class="testimonial theme_{{ theme }}">
<div class="fs-row">
<div class="fs-cell">
<div class="testimonial_inner">
<figure class="testimonial_figure{% if image %} testimonial_figure_has_figcaption{% else %} testimonial_figure_no_figcaption{% endif %}">
<div class="testimonial_quote_body">
<blockquote class="testimonial_quote">
<p>{{ quote }}</p>
<div class="testimonial_quote_details">
{% if image %}
<span class="testimonial_media testimonial_media_sm">
{% include '@partial-image' with {
class: 'testimonial',
alt: '',
image: image,
loading: 'lazy',
sources: [
} %}
{% endif %}
<span class="testimonial_info">
<span class="testimonial_quote_name">{{ name }}</span>
{% if job_title %}
<span class="testimonial_quote_title">{{ job_title }}</span>
{% endif %}
{% if image %}
<figcaption class="testimonial_figcaption">
<span class="js-rock testimonial_media testimonial_media_lg">
{% include '@partial-image' with {
class: 'testimonial',
alt: '',
image: image,
loading: 'lazy',
sources: [
} %}
{% endif %}
<!-- END: Testimonial -->
No notes defined.